As spring arrives, you may not be thinking too much about A/C maintenance. After all, spring is the one time of the year where you might not even need it since the weather is pleasant. But now's the time to get your A/C tuned up to make sure that by the time you need it in the summer, it's working perfectly. Fortunately there are simple steps you can take to ensure that your A/C works well.

A/C Maintenance Tasks Homeowners Can Tackle
- Ensure that you're changing the air filter once a month. This will ensure that your system's working properly and prevent potential damage that can be caused by dirty filters.
- Vacuum the air registers, front grilles and return air vents to ensure that nothing's blocking airflow.
Tasks to Leave to HVAC Professionals
While you can certainly follow the simple steps above, it's better for absolute piece of mind and safety to hire a professional A/C repair and maintenance company. A licensed technician can do a full, in-depth service of the air conditioning system to ensure everything's working as it should be.
Schedule your maintenance for the spring time so there's time to get any issues repaired before air conditioning is needed.
To schedule A/C maintenance or for other home comfort concerns, contact Rodenhiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We serve the Route 495/128 area of Massachusetts.
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